Well another weekend has passed and here I am on a Monday trying to recall what exactly happened this weekend. I have to say, it was a good one.
I am also fortunate that I did not have to work today as today is a holiday in Ontario for many, but not for all. Yes this is the August Civic Holiday long weekend. This is the day when most things remain open except banks, government offices and well those of us who are lucky enough and fortunate enough to belong to a unionized representated workplace, where we can negotiate days such as these off. You see its not really a stat holiday in Canada or more specifically Ontario like other holidays are... you know Good Friday, Christmas and New Years day etc. Civic Monday as its known is a day that is held on the first Monday of August and in Ontario it was once known as Simcoe Day. In many ways, this is a holiday for reflection on cultural or heritage history and in Ontario, frankly its a very low key holiday.
Enough about that, Saturday was an interesting day. The weather was beautiful and very warm (can I say that like that), I spent the entire day on my back deck. I like to call this Margarita Saturday's. Yep that's right, today was a day to celebrate the blender and the drinks that it is capable of producing. Its a simple recipe really, some ice, some limes, a little mix and oh yeah tequila! This lasted a good 3-4 hours... then disaster hit... we ran out of ice.... so what to do? I still had some tequila left and thus... I found some shot glasses... Now you can see why I didn't write this on Saturday. The evening was spent with some friends... again on my deck, only this time there was wine... white if memory serves me right... red usually hits my head and well we don't want that now do we! All in all, it was a great relaxing day... did I mention the music that filled the day was a combination of classic rock, Jimmy Buffett and some Johnny Reid.
After a restful night, it was time for Sunday. Now as I had mentioned in my previous post, I enjoy Photography and today we had decided to do a little hiking. So off we went to hike along the Bruce Trail. The Bruce Trail is a trail that runs along the Niagara Escarpment from Tobermory Ontario right along to Niagara Falls, Ontario. The total distance is approximately 885km. We did not do the entire route.... Camera in hand off we went.
We ended up at a location in the Dundas, Ontario area known as Webster falls and Tews Falls. This is located in an area called Spencers Gorge. I was totally amazed at these natural beauties and I have have to admit I had no idea such beauty existed so close to my home (about and hour and half drive at the most). I will post a few of the pictures I took a little later (still fine tuning these).
Websters Falls is a curtain falls that is 22 metres high. Its source is Spencer Creek. It has been known as the most frequently visited falls in the area for over a century. I simply never knew. Now the flow was not as strong as it should have been because we have had a very dry sumnmer thus far, however, the sight was still quite amazing.
We spent over three hours hiking the trails along the top and the bottom of the valley. We cam across numerous smaller falls and also the Tews Falls. Tews Falls is a ribbon type fall that is 44 metres high and its source is Hogies Creek. This was an area covered in colour and was absolutley stunning. If you are ever in the area I would recommend taking some time to stop and see the this fabulous area. In the Lower Valley you will also find Lower Tews Falls. This is a double curtain water fall that is abour 22 metres wide and I would say approx. 5 metres high. Very beautiful and great spots to work on my waterfall photography.
Monday was a day of recovery. Nothing much really happened. Then again... what would it matter, is anyone really reading this anyway?
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