About Me

My photo
Stratford, Canada
Just an average guy with something to say.


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

The Beginning...

Well here I go... I have been looking to start a blog for sometime now. Not really sure how all of this works so please have some patience with me as I work my way through all the in's and outs of this and that.

Well if your still with me then maybe I have caught your curiosity or perhaps you just want to see what this and me are all about. I have no real plan for the blog, it will be a work in progress. Whatever strikes me, I shall write about. This could be the simple mundane things that each of us do each and everyday or this could be something that really catches are thoughts, something that may or could impact us all. Just remember you don't have to agree, the thoughts are mine. Will i be controversial? Maybe. Will I create some debate? I hope so.

I may have some opinion on politics, both at home and abroad. I lean to the left for sure. I may have some thoughts on religion or faith, I most likely won't but you just never know. Will I be blogging everyday? Time will tell. My guess is not likely, but I will attempt to be here as often as possible.  Of course, if I can really catch the interests of anyone I will be encouraged to be talking to the world more often.

So after all this who am I? I am a middle aged guy, I have a beautiful wife and wonderful family. I am employed in a professional occupation (which I will delve into in greater depth in later blogs) and I have been blessed in many ways. I care about my neighbors and love my community. I believe that all people deserve an equal opportunity and what you do with that opportunity is up to you.  No one should be held back because of their social status or the money they earn. I also love photography and this is how I like to spend my free time. Once i figure out all the tools of this I will share some of my creations with you.  I love music of all types but I am drawn to the classic rock era. I am a Jimmy Buffett fan (yes I am a proud parrothead) and enough said about that.

I live in a great community, where the city is well known for its tourism and Shakespearean Festival. Yes that's right, Stratford (Ontario) upon the Avon.  I play golf, enjoy a drink with friends and love to have a good time. So you see, I am just an average guy with hopefully something to say that interests you.

Thanks for tuning in and I look forward to having you creep my blog on a regular basis.

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